Mark Robinson’s 10-Point Economic Plan


Ease the Impacts of Inflation

Out-of-control federal government spending, high interest rates, and increased energy costs have made the price of everything go up. The state can help reduce the effects of inflation by cutting taxes and fees, reducing energy costs, and responsibly managing the state budget so that life is more affordable for everyone. 


Invest in Infrastructure

We must ensure the state has the infrastructure to handle the tremendous growth we are experiencing. This means investing in rural broadband, safe and wide roadways, coastal protections, robust bridges, and well-maintained ports. When we have quality infrastructure, we will have sustained economic growth for all. 


Cut Taxes for ALL North Carolinians

We must continue to cut taxes in North Carolina, not just for businesses but for every hardworking taxpayer in the state. The more money citizens keep from their hard-earned paycheck, the more money they have to make ends meet. 


Support Agriculture

Agriculture is vital to North Carolina’s economy. We must provide our farmers with the tools they need for success while reducing unnecessary regulations that do not offer substantive protections for communities and customers. It’s harder today to be a farmer than ever before, and without them our society doesn’t function. We should celebrate our farmers, not attack them. 


Develop the Workforce

North Carolina is known around the world for our higher education system, including our community colleges and universities. We must keep investing in them so that businesses continue to choose North Carolina and provide high-paying jobs for our citizens.

Students coming out of high school should have the opportunity to get a head start on their careers. We must continue to expand technical and apprenticeship programs in K-12 so that students can learn tangible skills and get a jump start on future careers.

I graduated from UNC Greensboro as an adult. Adult learners should have the opportunity to acquire a new skill and start a career that provides for their needs. It is never too late to learn and start a career that you love.


Foster Innovation in Digital Currency and Protect Financial Freedom

I will never allow a central banking digital currency to be established. As Lieutenant Governor I have been a proponent of cryptocurrencies, housed the North Carolina Blockchain Initiative under my office, supported a regulatory sandbox bill, appointed a designee to sit on the North Carolina Innovation Council, and toured Bitcoin mining facilities. I believe that North Carolina is positioned to become the national leader in cryptocurrency, and as governor, I will lead the charge.


Reform the Regulatory System

Any regulation in any industry that hinders business and does not provide meaningful impact on customer protection should be removed. Red tape from overly burdensome regulations hinders economic development and job growth. Regulatory agencies should provide the guardrails to ensure companies are acting in a responsible manner and that everyone is playing by the same rules. Agencies should never turn guardrails into roadblocks.

We need to ensure that agencies work quickly and efficiently. Delays from agencies on permitting, licensing, and approval for projects cost time and money; and are a disservice to North Carolina’s taxpayers. 


Stop Ideologically-Driven Investing

Environmental, Social, and Governance investing (ESG) puts ideological goals ahead of creating a return on taxpayer dollars. It is nothing more than a tool of the extreme left to push political agendas. We must do everything possible to stop ESG from harming our state’s taxpayers.


Create a Culture of Excellence in State Agencies

Our state agencies exist to serve the citizens of our state. These agencies are often the most common way that citizens interact with their government. Yet far too often people leave frustrated by these experiences. As governor I will create an expectation of excellence from every state agency and the leaders of those agencies. A clear vision from leadership and buy-in from state employees will improve service from the government and add value for the taxpayers. It is important for our state agencies to remember they exist to serve the citizens of the state. If they are not effectively serving them, changes must be made.


Build Opportunity for All

For a long time, we have seen the metropolitan areas of our state grow rapidly, while communities in rural areas have all too often been left behind. In fact, some areas have seen population decrease as people leave to find more opportunities elsewhere. As governor I want to ensure that EVERYONE has an opportunity for success no matter where they are from, or where they live. 

I believe that by implementing this platform, we can create and take advantage of more opportunities for all, from the mountains to the coast, and everywhere in between.